Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Veggie Chicken Quinoa

This is easy, yummy and good for you!! So many options too.

Veggie Chicken Quinoa
Chicken breast
Veggies, Chopped (any you have, clean out the fridge/freezer: tomato, cabbage, corn, peppers, carrots, kale, peas ect)
Sauce (any bottled sauce you like: teriyaki, peanut, lemon pepper ect)

Prepare quinoa as directed.  I use our rice maker to cook it, it works great.  Put any veggies you are worried about being too crunch in with it while it cook (ie: carrots).  Meanwhile chop up the chicken and put it in a saute pan with a little oil and the garlic.  Cook until no longer pink.  Throw the veggies in the pan and simmer a few minutes until crisp tender.  Cover the chicken/veggie's with sauce and cook a couple minutes longer.  When quinoa is done fluff with a fork and put in the saute pan.  Mix and eat!

*top with chopped peanuts or crunchy Chinese noodles as desired for a little crunch!

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