Monday, August 13, 2012

Grilled Pizza

Jake and I made a pizza on the BBQ last week.  It was so good, we both agreed probably better than when we make it in the oven.

Grilled Pizza
*1 prepared pizza crust (I get the ones in the bag that "On the Rise" makes.  Make sure you get it room temp before trying to work with it)
*Sauce (red, white or we used a parma rosa sauce)
*Toppings (we used some grilled chicken, thin sliced red onion, tomato, red pepper and basil from our herb garden.)
*Cheese (we used both shredded and fresh motz)

Preheat the grill on med heat.  Roll out the dough using some flour or corn meal to help with sticking and place it on a cookie sheet.  Drizzle a little olive oil on each side of the dough.  Use the cookie sheet to transport the pizza to the grill.  Place the dough directly on the grill.  Grill the first side for about 3-6 min.  Remove from grill and flip.  Place toppings and cheese on already grilled side of pizza.  Place back on grill crust side down now to grill the other side.  Close the lid of the grill so the cheeses melt and grill for another 3-6 min until the crust is not longer "raw" and has grill marks.  Pull of the grill, cut and enjoy!!

**Great with a salad with lettuce, kale, peas, steamed and cooled beats from our garden!!

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